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Release Notes for XSplit Gamecaster 2.2 (2.2.1502.1741)

2.2.1502.1741 - Release notes:

Please refer to the FAQ for general questions on usage:

Supported operating systems

Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8, Windows 8.1

For hardware and software requirements, see further details here:

Internet connection

Requires Internet connectivity with HTTP / HTTPS port 80/443 open and RTMP port 1935 open

For live streaming on lowest settings, a minimum upload speed of 500 kbps is required

Known limitations:

For a list of bugs being worked on see Known Issues section. For other general known limitations see list below.

Fixes/Improvements (2.2.1502.1734 -> 2.2.1502.1741)

- XGC-2707 - Stuck in "Preparing Stream" when streaming to Dailymotion

- XGC-2695 -  Support for new GameCapture HD revision

New Features (2.1.1412.1628 -> 2.2.1502.1734)

- XGC-2532 - Improve VOD manager context menu option (add option to repair MP4 file and enable “faststart”)

- XGC-2423 - ASUS GPU Tweak integration (currently available for ASUS laptops and graphics card)

- XGC-2486 - Allow to insert cue point into recordings by hotkey

- XGC-2263 - Add sound functionality to Twitch subscriber/follower notifications

Fixes/Improvements (2.1.1412.1628 -> 2.2.1502.1734)


- XGC-2545 - Put XSplit Video Editor version in the about dialog

- XGC-2525 - Add hotkey for copying recent streamstats to clipboard

- XGC-2493 - Add "Allowed File Format" field on HTML file dialog

- XGC-2454 - Add "Open Folder Location" option to right click command in VOD manager

- XGC-2353 - Repair files automatically if app was shut down unexpectedly while recording or streaming

- XGC-2352 - Implement warning if starting to stream or record on laptop in battery mode

- XGC-1911 - Edit filename via the file list in VOD manager


- XGC-2563 - Unable to close feedback form when clicking Exit on the context menu

- XGC-2535 - Stream gets stuck in "Connecting" when server list returns identical server names

- XGC-2529 - Unable to show in game overlay when app is opened while Fraps is already running

- XGC-2506 - Splash screen shows up when clicking links on the overlay that opens a browser tab

- XGC-2492 - Background of icons on the "open with" menu is black

- XGC-2491 - Unable to interact with app when two dialogs with gray overlay are opened simultaneously

- XGC-2484 - Unable to rotate view using mouse - Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

- XGC-2483 - "Remember me" and "Log me in automatically" are unchecked on succeeding app instances

- XGC-2480 - "EXPRESS EDIT" may be displayed on the Recordings list when right-clicking on an empty space

- XGC-2477 - Forms may be maximized via Win+Up hotkey and UI cannot adjust

- XGC-2475 - Mic remains enabled when game window loses focus while PTT hotkey is pressed

- XGC-2468 - Message boxes are on "minimized state" before displayed

- XGC-2463 - Camera settings (position/chroma key) are not immediately applied after being added (enabled in overlay)

- XGC-2462 - Image Overlay: Visibility options are unchecked after switching games

- XGC-2455 - Error growl for unavailable codecs immediately disappear when navigating through the codec list using the arrow keys

- XGC-2437 - Cursor active is still a "pointer" after clicking the close button on the Image Overlay

- XGC-2436 - Incorrect default cursor image on Annotation Help

- XGC-2331 - Tooltips are displayed over the overlay controls

- XGC-2245 - VOD Manager : New share dialog issues

- XGC-2223 - Installer is unable to terminate some browser process orphans

- XGC-2235 - Image overlay settings are clipped by default

Known Issues (2.2.1502.1741)

Please reference Known Limitations section above for critical or major issues that are currently out of our hands and/or directly related to 3rd party hardware, software or drivers.


- XGC-XXXX - Quicksync encoding for long recordings/streams (4+ hours) can fail on some Ivy bridge and Haswell systems (Issue is under investigation)  

- XGC-XXXX - Some Origin-enabled games (BattleField 3 and 4, Crysis 3, Titanfall) may crash or freeze due to a conflict with the Origin Overlay. We are actively working with Origin to resolve this issue resolved, but a workaround for the moment is to disable Origin overlay by going to Origin client’s Application Settings -> Origin In Game -> Uncheck “Enable Origin In Game”


- XGC-2628 - UI desync may occur after attempting to access streaming service related functionality while recording

- XGC-2561 - Unable to control overlay when activated in game (MCEdit) because game doesn’t render

- XGC-2485 - Image overlay disappears on stream/recording after toggling the overlay repeatedly

- XGC-2419 - Animated GIF in overlay is not in sync with what is visible in streaming/recording

- XGC-2252 - Straight lined freehand annotation gets removed on key up

- XGC-1758 - Console Viewer may become unresponsive and XGC application freezes


- XGC-2625 - Internal exception occurs on logout when feedback form is submitted without a rating

- XGC-2481 - VOD list "shakes" when thumbnail is clicked

- XGC-2479 - UI misalignment issues on the Universal Share Dialog

- XGC-2309 - Overlay window settings may be clipped

- XGC-2302 - Last opened overlay window does not go on top of existing windows

- XGC-2235 - Image overlay settings are clipped by default


- XGC-2536 - Post registration button label does not match label on instruction

- XGC-2482 - VOD Manager: Folders and filenames with special characters are listed at the bottom when sorted by name

- XGC-2478 - Incorrect cursor image on the Universal Share Dialog textbox in the overlay

- XGC-2343 - Username label on the Settings tab for BRB Graphics does not match the display on the Media Editor

- XGC-2325 - Twitch Notification : Extra 1px border at the top of style 3

If you are looking for the release notes of the previous version, please look here.  

To see how issues are prioritized, kindly click here.